Life & Activities
The College conducts various activities to equip students and help them build and maintain a disciplined spiritual, academic and good Christian life.
The College encourages the students to develop healthy spiritual life in accordance with the teaching of the Bible. To develop the spiritual life of individuals and the College community as a whole, several programmes are scheduled.
There are two types of practical works: Ministerial training and Dignity of work.
1. Ministerial Training:
Students are required to participate in the churches when work is assigned.
- Evangelism: Students are sent out from time to time for evangelistic works such as visiting homes, schools, hospitals, jails, orphanages and aged homes, and rehabilitation centers.
- Practical Tour: Practical tours are arranged by the Dean of Practical Work to visit Churches and Mission Fields.
2. Dignity of Labor:
The College community and respective hostellers organize social works from time to time, cleaning campus and maintaining kitchen gardens in order to encourage students to stand on their own feet. It is mandatory for every student to bring their own working implement.
The color of the college uniform is black blazer and black trousers. Every Monday and Thursday is set aside for wearing college uniform. However, students may choose to wear them on any other days as well.
Every Friday is set apart for community Games and Sports. The College also conducts Annual Games & Sports Week once in an academic year.
The College organizes Literary Day once in a year where various competitions are conducted. The College also publishes its Annual Magazine to provide a platform for developing literary skills.
To maintain and promote a clean and conducive environment, the beautification committee looks after the cleanliness & beautification of the college.
Every first Wednesday of the month is set aside for wearing cultural attires in order to promote and uphold the rich cultural heritage of all people groups. The College observes Cultural Day once in an academic year. Students are expected to bring their own cultural attires.

The College conducts BTC Lectures once in a month with an aim to motivate and equip students to engage critically and effectively with the issues confronting the Church and the society. Research papers are presented by the faculty members or guest lecturers and it is open to students as well as all Pfutsero leaders.
The college has mentorship program in which all the students are assigned to a faculty mentor for the entire period of study.

The college provides work scholarship to students. Recipients are assigned certain responsibilities and manual tasks. The recipients, however, will not be given cash. Instead their fees are deducted from the scholarship.
The Baptist Theological College Students Association (BTCSA) is the official students’ body of the College. The College encourages student’s body to use its various opportunities for the development of leadership qualities and to participate in contributing to the total life of the College. BTCSA is constituted by full time students. It functions directly under the College Authority.
The library of the College houses thousands of e-books and journals for enriching the academic pursuit of the students and other eligible users.